Lottie Animation for Elementor

5+ animation options. Scroll based animation. JSON Based Animation. Autoplay; On Hover, On Click, Mouse Over-Out Effect, Scroll Based, Inline and more and easy to use and light weight widget.

Credits : Christian,Dmitry S,Yoanna Hernandez Sandoval,Lordicon,,Arun Kumar Chowdary,Irfan Munawar,Omar Osama,Rostislav,Luis Quintanilla,Ana Lario,Morris Ekstrand

Lottie is the future?

Lottie is an open-sourced animation file format like no other. It is smaller with higher quality and allows for you to create animations that can be interacted with. So versatile, you can easily implement it on almost all platforms out there!

Source : Lottiefiles Official Website

Lotties 25%
Animated GIF 60%
PNG Sequence 80%
Video 100%

Custom animation options

Lottie Animation Addon for Elementor uses the library of JSON animations from lottefiles.com.You can easily pick up an animation that suits your clients need and use it in few clicks.

Reverse animation on second click

You need to set Loops Counter 0 or Disable LOOP from Loop Animation

Animations On Hover + Link

Animation on Click with Custom Delay

You can add your custom delay before link to proceed.

On Scroll Parallax

Lottiefiles animation in elementor will work while you scroll on this section. You can make it working based on scroll in elementor section. Scroll this page.

Mouse Over Out Animation with Iconic Layout

Lottiefiles animation in Over Out will work while you mouse over then start, and mouse out animation reverse and stop.

Launch Planning


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for the Lottie Animation Addon.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for the Lottie Animation Addon.

Profit and Loss


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text for the Lottie Animation Addon.

Body On Scroll Lottie Animation


How to get Lottie Animation JSON?

Elementor widgets collection