Post Navigation Widget Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Post Navigation Widget

Now Drag and Drop Post Navigation widget

Post Navigation Layout

We have & type of Predefine layout design.

Post Navigation With Specific Taxonomy

Here you can select Taxonomy, So Next Previous wi’ll be based on Selected Category based.

Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3

Layout 4

Layout 5

Layout 6

Layout 7

Post Navigation Style Tab

Post Navigation Icon

Here you can manage Padding and It’s Size.

Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow for Normal and Hover.

Post Navigation Text

Here you can manage Previous Next Alignment, Minimum Width, Margin, Padding and Typography.

Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow for Normal and Hover.

Post Navigation Title

Here you can manage Previous Next Alignment, Minimum Width, Margin, Padding and Typography.

Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow for Normal and Hover.

Post Navigation Image

Here you can manage Previous Next Alignment, Margin, Padding and It’s Size.

Also, You can manage  Background, Border and Box Shadow for Normal and Hover.

Post Navigation Box for Layout 7

Here you can manage Padding of Box.

Also, You can manage Overlay Color, Box Shadow of Box for Normal and Hover.

And for Background Image, You can manage Background Size, Repeate, Position and Attachment options.