WooCommerce MyAccount Widget Tutorial

Layout : Vertical/Horizontal

Preview for Elementor Backend

Style Tab

Navigation List
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Margin and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover/Active, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Navigation Box
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Margin, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Content Text
In this tab, You can manage Typography, Color and Link Normal/Hover Color.
Content Box
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Margin, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Message Text
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Icon Options
In this, You can manage Icon Color.
Button Options
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Head Content
In this, You can manage Border, Typography and Color.
Body Content
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Order Invoice No.
In this, You can manage Typography and Normal/Hover Color.
Order View Button
In this, You can manage Text Alignment, Padding, Margin and Width.
And for Normaland Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Head Content
In this, You can manage Border, Typography and Color.
Body Content
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Typography and Normal/Hover Color.
Download Button
In this, You can manage Padding and Width.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this tab, You can manage Padding, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Sub Text
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Edit Button
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Billing & Shipping
In this, You can manage Tpography and Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Required Icon.
Input Field
In this, You can manage Padding, Typography and Placeholder Color.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow and text Shadow.
Save Button
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Required Icon Color.
Input Field
In this, You can manage Padding, Typography and Placeholder Color.
And for Normal and Focus, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow and text Shadow.
Save Button
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Required Icon.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and Placeholder Color.
And for Normal and Focus, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow and Text Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Remember Me
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Lost Password
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Lost Password
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Required Icon Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Typography and Placeholder Color.
And for Normal and Focus, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow and Text Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, background, Border, Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Required Icon Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and Placeholder Color.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow and text Shadow.
In this, You can manage Typography and Color.
Privacy Policy
In this, You can manage Typography, Color and Normal/Hover Link Color.
In this, You can manage Paddding and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, background and Box Shadow.
In this, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow.
Error Message
In this, You can manage Size, Offset and Color.
In this, You can manage Typography, Color and Link Normal/Hover Color.
In this, You can manage Padding, Background, Border and Box Shadow.
In this tab, You can manage Padding and Margin.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Backgound, Border and Box Shadow.