Woo Slider Gallery Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Woo Slider Gallery Widget

Now Drag and Drop Woo Slider Gallery widget

Woo Slider Gallery - Popup Image

In this option, You can manage Image enlarge on Click.

Woo Slider Gallery - Slide Options

In this Tab, We have Direction, Slider Show/Scroll, Gap, Dots, Arrow, Autoplay and more…

Woo Slider Gallery - Slide Direction

In this, You can manage your Slider in Vertical or Horizontal Direction.

Woo Slider Gallery - Slide to Show and Scroll

Here you can set how many slide you want in screen and How many you want in Slide Change.

Woo Slider Gallery - Slide Gap

Here using this Gap option, You can manage Gap Between slide.

Woo Slider Gallery - Dots

In Dots We have Vertical and Horizontal Layout.
In Style Tab, We have 7 predefined Style. Using This Style, You can manage Position as you want with Customization Options.

Woo Slider Gallery - Arrow

In Arrow, We have Default means normal Position and Absolute means Custom Position with Offset Options.

Woo Slider Gallery - Slide Animation

In Default We have Slide animation. And Second one is Fade in/out animation.
Note : Fade in/out animation works only with One Column.

Woo Slider Gallery - Adaptive Height

As function it’s name. Adapt height of Current Display Items.

Woo Slider Gallery - Autoplay and Speed

Here you can manage Enable/Disable Autoplay. And manage It’s Speed.

Woo Slider Gallery - Dragable

Here you can manage Enable/Disable Dragable option.

Woo Slider Gallery - Center Mode

As It’s Name, Slide Loop Look in Center or Heilight mode.
Also, We have Mouse Wheel option. Using this option, You can manage Slide on Mouse Wheel Event.

Woo Slider Gallery - Style Tab

In Style Tab, We have Image, Loop, Dots, Arrow and Center Mode options.

Woo Slider Gallery - Image Style

In Image Tab, You can manage Image Padding.
Also, You can manage Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform of Image for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Slider Gallery - Loop Style

In Loop, You can manage Padding.
Also, You can manage Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS of Loop for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Slider Gallery - Dots Style

In Dots, You can manage Width and Height of Dots. Also, Manage Dots Size and Gap.
Additionally, You can manage Color and It’s Opacity for Normal and Active State of Dots.

Woo Slider Gallery - Arrow Previous Style

In Previous Arrow, You can manage Padding and It’s Size.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS of Arrow for Normal and Hover.

Woo Slider Gallery - Arrow Next Style

In Next Arrow, You can manage Padding and It’s Size.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS of Arrow for Normal and Hover.

Woo Slider Gallery - Arrow Disable Style

In Disabled Arrow, You can manage Padding and It’s Size.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS of Arrow for Normal and Hover.

Woo Slider Gallery - Center Mode Style

In Center Mode, You can maneg Scale, Margin and Box Shadow option for Normal and Center Slide.