Woo Info Tabs Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Woo Info Tabs Widget

Now Drag and Drop Woo Info Tabs widget

Woo Info Tabs

In this tab, You can manage Alignment of Tabs Title.

Woo Info Tabs - Style

In this Style tab, We have Tab, TItle, Tab Title Box, Tab Content Box, Description(Heading, Content), Additional Information(Heading, TH, TD and Table) Syling options.

Woo Info Tabs - Review Style

As well, We have Review (Heading, Image, Name of User, Date, Comment, Star) and Table styling options.

Woo Info Tabs - Form Style

As well, We have Form (Reply Title, Comment Notes, Rating Label, Rating Star, Rating Box, Label,Input Fields and  Button) and Box styling options.

Woo Info Tabs - Tab Title

In Tab Title Style tab, We have Padding and Typography options.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow and Text Shadow of Normal and Active State.

Woo Info Tabs - Tab Title Box

In Tab Title Box, You can manage Padding and Margin.
Also, You can manage Background, Border and It’s Shadow for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Info Tabs - Tab Content Box

In this tab, You can manage Content Box Styling. We have Padding and Margin options.
Also, You can manage Background, Border and Shadow styling for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Info Tabs - Description Heading

In Description Heading, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Woo Info Tabs - Description Content

In Description Content, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Additional Information - Heading

In Additional Information Heading, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Additional Information - TH

In Additional Information TH, You can manage Alignment of TH, Typography and It’s Color.

Additional Information - TD

In Additional Information TD, You can manage Alignment of TD, Typography and It’s Color.

Additional Information - Table

In Additional Information Table, You can manage Background Color and Border for Normal and Hover State.

Review - Heading

In Review Heading, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Review - Image

In Review Image, You can manage Padding, Margin, Width, Background, Border and It’s Shadow.

Review - Table Name

In Review Table Name, You can manage Typography, Color and Dash Color.

Review - Table Date

In Review Table Date, You can manage Typography and It’s Color.

Review - Table Comment

In Review Table Comment, You can manage Typography and It’s Color.

Review - Table Star

In Review Table Star, You can manage Fill Color, Empty Color and It’s Size.

Review - Table

In Review Table, You can manage Border and It’s Radius

Form - Reply Title

In Form Reply Title, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Form - Comment Notes

In Form Comment Notes, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and It’s Color.

Form - Rating Label

In Form Rating Label tab, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color and Requird icon color.

Form - Rating Star

In Form Rating Star, You can manage Margin, Size and It’s Color.

Form - Rating Box

In Form Rating Box, You can manage Padding, Margin, Background, Border and It’s Shadow.

Form - Label

In Form Label, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color and Required Icon Color.

Form - Text Input

In Form Input Tab, You can manage Padding and It’s Typography.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border Shadow and It’s Text Shadow for Normal and Focus State.

Form - Textarea Input

In Form Textarea Input Tab, You can manage Padding, Height and It’s Typography.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border Shadow and It’s Text Shadow for Normal and Focus State.

Form - Cookie Consent

In Cookie Consent tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Form - Button

In Form Button tab, You can manage Padding, Margin and It’s Typography.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border and It’s Shadow for Normal and Hover State.

Form - Box

In Form Box tab, You can manage Padding and Margin.
Also, You can manage Background, Border and It’s Shadow for Normal and Hover State.

Main Box

In Main Box tab, You can manage Padding and Margin of Box.
Also, You can manage Background, Border and It’s Shadow for Normal and Hover State.