Woo Grid Gallery Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Woo Grid Gallery Widget

Now Drag and Drop Woo Grid Gallery widget

Woo Grid Gallery - RTL

In default We have Left to Right. Using this option, You can manage Grid in Right to Left.

Woo Grid Gallery - Layout

We have two type of Layout, First one is Grid is same Height. and in Masonry they adapt height of Loop and manage listing.

Woo Grid Gallery - Popup Image

In Popup Image, When you click on Image it enlarge Image.

Woo Grid Gallery - Column

Here, You can manage Column for Responsive and Manage It’s Gap option.

Woo Grid Gallery - Style Tab

In Style Tab, We have Image and Loop options.

Woo Grid Gallery - Image Style

In Image Style, You can manage Padding.
Also, You can manage Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS of Image for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Grid Gallery - Loop Style

In Loop Style, You can manage Padding.
Also, You can manage Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform CSS for Normal and Hover State of Loop.