Woo Add to Cart Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Woo Add to Cart Widget

Now Drag and Drop Woo Add to Cart widget

Woo Add to Cart

In this Quantity option, You can enable/disable QTY input.

Woo Add to Cart - Style Tab

In Style tab, We have Add to Cart Button, Variable(Label, Dropdown,Clear Button, Description and Price), Out of Stock, Backorder and Stock Style options.

Woo Add to Cart - Button Style

In Add to Cart Button Style tab, You can manage Padding, Margin and It’s Typography.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Shdow for Normal and Hover State.

Woo Add to Cart - Variable Label

In Woo Variable Label tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Woo Add to Cart - Variable Dropdown

In Woo Variable Dropdown tab, You can manage Typography, Color, Background, Border and Shadow.

Woo Add to Cart - Variable Clear Button

In Woo Variable Clear Button tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Woo Add to Cart - Variable Description

In Woo Variable Description tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Woo Add to Cart - Variable Price

In Woo Variable Price tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Woo Add to Cart - Out of Stock

In Woo Out of Stock tab, You can manage Typography and Color.

Woo Add to Cart - Backorder

In Woo Add to Cart Backorder tab, You can manage Typography and Color of Product.

Woo Add to Cart - Stock

In Woo Add to Cart Stock tab, You can manage Typography and Color of Product.