Woo Display Condition Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Extension Tab then enable Display Condition

Now go to Advanced tab from Section/Container or Widget. Then EC Display Condition and Manage Visibility.

Cart Empty or Not?

Based on Cart Empty or not, You can manage Content.

Cart Subtotal

Based on Cart Subtotal Amount, You can manage Content.

Cart Total

Based on Cart Total Amount, You can manage Content.

Product in Cart?

Based on Added Product in Cart, You can manage Content.

Is Product Category in Cart?

Based on Added Product Category in Cart, You can manage Content.

Is Product Tag in Cart?​

Based on Added Product Tag in Cart, You can manage Content.

No of Cart Items

Based on Cart Item Total No, You can manage Content.

Which type of Product?

Based on Product Type, You can manage Content.

In Woo, There are Simple, Variable, Grouped and External/Affiliate product type.

Product Category

Based on Product Category, You can manage Content.

Product Tag

Based on Product Tag, You can manage Content.

Product Price?

Based on Product Price, You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

Product Stock

Based on Product Stock, You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

Product Status?

Based on Product Stock Status, You can manage Content.

  1. In Stock
  2. Out of Stock
  3. On backorder

Is Product Sold Individually?

Is Product Sold Individually is checked, You can manage Content.

Already Purchase?

Based on Previous Purchased Product, You can manage Content.

Already Purchase Product Category!!!

Based on Previous Purchased Product Category, You can manage Content.

Already Purchase Product Tag!!!

Based on Previous Purchased Product Tag, You can manage Content.

Purchase Product Total

Based on Past Purchase Product Total, You can manage Content.

First Purchase Date

Based on First Date of Purchase, You can manage Content.

Last Purchase Date

Based on Last Date of Purchase, You can manage Content.

Purchase Date

Based on Purchase Date, You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

No of Total Order

Based on Past Order Total, You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

Last Order Status?

Based on Last Order Status, You can manage Content.

No of Total Purchased Product

Based on Total of Purchased Product , You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

Total Price of Purchased Product

Based on Total Purchased Product Price, You can manage Content.

In this we have three type of Compare.

  1. Same
  2. Same or a greater
  3. Same or a less

First Order Billing City

Based on First Order Billing City, You can manage Content.

First Order Billing State

Based on First Order Billing State, You can manage Content.

First Order Billing Country

Based on First Order Billing Country, You can manage Content.

First Order Billing Postcode

Based on First Order Billing Postcode, You can manage Content.

Last Order Billing City

Based on Last Order Billing City, You can manage Content.

Last Order Billing State

Based on Last Order Billing State, You can manage Content.

Last Order Billing Country

Based on Last Order Billing Country, You can manage Content.

Last Order Billing Postcode

Based on Last Order Billing Postcode, You can manage Content.

First Order Shipping City

Based on First Order Shipping City, You can manage Content.

First Order Shipping State

Based on First Order Shipping State, You can manage Content.

First Order Shipping Country

Based on First Order Shipping Country, You can manage Content.

First Order Shipping Postcode

Based on First Order Shipping Postcode, You can manage Content.

Last Order Shipping City

Based on Last Order Shipping City, You can manage Content.

Last Order Shipping State

Based on Last Order Shipping State, You can manage Content.

Last Order Shipping Country

Based on Last Order Shipping Country, You can manage Content.

Last Order Shipping Postcode

Based on Last Order Shipping Postcode, You can manage Content.