Unfold Content Tutorial
Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Unfold Content

Now Drag and Drop Unfold Content widget

In Unfold Content Widget, You can manage Title with Tag, Source Content like. Editor, Template or Container. Manage Button Text and Icon for Open Close based.

In Content Editor, You can manage your text in Editor.

In Template, You can freedom to Choose Template.

In Contener, You can use Contaier.

For Template/Contener, Based on Button Position Bottom, Need to Put like below image.
First Unfold Content widget and next to Container.

For Template/Contener, Based on Button Position Top, Need to Put like below image.
First Container and next to Unfold Content widget.

In Button we have More or Less Text and Icon Option.
Also, You can manage Icon Position and It’s Alignment.

In Below Option, You can set How long your content shows on Load using Height Option.
Based on Opacity Height and Color, You can manage Overlay on Content.

In Stye Tab, We have Title, Description and Button options.

In Title Style Tab, You can manage Width, Alignment, Padding, Margin and It’s Typography.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform effect for Normal and Hover State.

In Description Style Tab, You can manage Padding, Margin, and It’s Alignment.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform effect for Normal and Hover State.

In Button Style Tab, You can manage Padding, Margin, Width, Alignment, Typography, Icon Size and It’s Gap.
Also, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow, Transition and Transform effect for Normal and Hover State.