Pricing Menu Widget Tutorial

Layout : Three Predefined


Style Tab

In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Width and Height of Iamge.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border, Box Shadow, Transition and Transform.
In this tab you can manage Max. Width, Padding, Margin and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Transition and Transform.
In this tab you can manage Alignment, Padding, Margin and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Transition and Transform.
In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin and Typography.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Transition and Transform.
In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Position(Left/Right) and It’s offset.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Box Shadow, Transition and Transform.
In this tab you can manage Padding of Box.
And for Normal and Hover, You can manage Background, Border, Box Shadow and Transition.