Message Box Tutorial
Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Message Box

Now Drag and Drop Message Box widget

Select Icon for Messagebox

In Messagebox, Content We have Title, Description fields

Using this, You can manage Close Icon.

and for Close Icon, You can manage SlideUp and FadeOut Effect.
Also, You can show Arrow after Icon.

Using this option, You can manage Alignment.

In Message Box Style Tab, We have Icon, Title, Descriptio, Close Icon and Box Content option.

Icon Style Tab
In Icon, You can manage Padding, Margin and Icon Size.
Additionaly, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Shdow for Normal and Hover State of Icon.

Title Style Tab
In Title, You can manage Padding, Margin and Typography.
Additionaly, You can manage Color, Background, Border, Shadow and Text Shdow for Normal and Hover State of Title.

Description Style Tab
In Description, You can manage Padding, Margin, Typography and Alignment of Text.
Additionaly, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Shdow for Normal and Hover State of Description.

Close Icon Tab
In this tab, You can manage Top and Right Offset of Close Icon.Â
Also, You can manage Padding and Size of Icon.
Additionally, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Shadow for Normal and Hover State.

Box Content Style Tab
In this tab, You can manage Padding and Margin of Box.
Additionally, You can manage Background, Border and Box Shadow for Normal and Hover State.