Image Accordion Widget Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Image Accordion Widget
Now Drag and Drop Image Accordion widget

Layout : Vertical/Horizonatl

Active Slide

Active Slide Width

loop with Duration

Content & Alignment

Content Sorting

Content Animation from Advanced Options tab

Remove Active slide when Mouse Leave

Style tab


In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Icon Size, Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.


In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Image Size, Background, Border and Box Shadow.


In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.


In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Word Break(brak-all/keep-all), Alignment, Max. Width, Typography, Color, Background, Border and Box Shadow.


In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin and Typography.

For Normal and Hover, You can manage Color, Background, Border and Box shadow.

Loop Item

In this tab you can manage Gap and Overlay Color.


In this tab you can manage Height and Border Radious.