Lottie Widget Tutorial

Essential Classy Tab from Dashboad -> Widgets then enable Lottie Widget

Now Drag and Drop Lottie widget

Type : File/URL

Play On : Default, Auto Play, Hover, CLick, Mouse Over Out Effect, Parallax Effect, Reverse on Second Click

URL with Delay Option

Iconic Layout


Render : SVG/Canvas

Style Tab

In Hover – Custom Class based option

Also, Animation Start & End time option.

and in URL, You can manage delay time.

Iconic Layout

In Iconic layout, You can add Heading, Title, Descripotion. So, It look like informatic look.

Mouse In Out Effect

It work on mouse interaction based.

Parallex Effect

It two option Inline and Body based.

Second Click Reverse

On first click it open and second click it close means reverese.

Heading & Bottmom Shape for Iconic Layout

In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color and Background related options.

Title for Iconic Layout

In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color and Background, Border and Box Shadow.

Description for Iconic Layout

In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, Typography, Color and Background, Border and Box Shadow.

JSON Animation

In this tab you can manage Alignment, Max. Width, Min. Height and Margin.

Icon Box

In this tab you can manage Padding, Margin, background, Border and Box Shadow.